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360 Feedback quick start guide
360 Feedback quick start guide
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this quick start guide you can find an overview of all the main elements related to 360 Feedback in Teamspective:

πŸ“ Responding to an Evaluation or Feedback request

You will receive requests both into Slack / MS Teams and the web app. Responding to these can be done in either.

Responding in Slack / MS Teams

You will receive all requests directly into the Teamspective app in Slack / MS Teams and can respond to them within Slack:

Example Evaluation question in Slack:

Responding in the Web app

Evaluation and Feedback requests can be found directly on the Home page or My Activity page:

🎁 Sending Praise

Sending Praise in Slack

You can send Praise directly in Slack / MS Teams by typing /praise @user [your praise] in any channel:

Sending Praise in MS Teams

Type feedback into the message field and you will receive a selection of actions from the Teamspective app. Select Send praise from the list.

Sending Praise in the Web app

You can send Praise directly from the Home page or from the My Activity page:

πŸ“₯ Submitting a request

Asking for feedback

Teamspective encourages you to Ask for Feedback on a regular basis.

On Slack

  1. Go to the Home tab in the Teamspective app and click Ask for feedback.

2. Fill in the Feedback request and click Submit.

On MS Teams

Type feedback into the message field and you will receive a selection of actions from the Teamspective app. Select Request feedback from the list.

In the Web app

You can Ask for Feedback from the Home page or My Activity pages:

Requesting Evaluation

If enabled for your workspace, individuals can also send Evaluation requests, although normally these are sent by the People team, team leads or similar employees in your company.

πŸ‘€ Viewing received Feedback or Evaluation

All received Feedback and published Evaluations can be viewed on the My Activity page.

View your Feedback timeline by selecting Personal feedback:

View your published Evaluations timeline by selecting My evaluations:

❗ Evaluations are viewable when they have been published to you by the person(s) who have permissions to view your Evaluation data. These permissions are administered by your Workspace Admins.

All published Evaluations are always anonymous to the individual.

AI Feedback Summary

Teamspective will automatically generate a summary based on the open evaluation feedback which has been published to you. This helps focus on the main points and start taking action.

The summary is generated with 2 frameworks:

  • Start, Stop, Continue

  • Strengths and Development Areas


I can't see anything on the My Evaluations page?

There might be several reasons for this:

  1. The Evaluation feedback that you have received hasn't been published to you yet. This is done by the person(s) who have permissions to view your Evaluation data and usually they are your manager or team lead.

  2. You are still in the middle of your Evaluations round and no feedback has yet been given. Thus your manager hasn't had the change to publish anything to you.

  3. Check the filters on the page. They might be blocking the visibility to the feedback you are expecting to see.

Who will see the feedback that I send via an Evaluation request?

When you are evaluating a colleague the feedback that you send will first be visible to a person who has permission to view that feedback. This is usually a manager or team lead. Additionally workspace admins will have access to all feedback. These people will see that you shared this feedback on your colleague's part.

Next, the manager or team lead will review the feedback that you sent and decide whether they want to publish it to the colleague which you evaluated. If they decide to publish your feedback, it will be anonymized and then made visible to the individual on their My Activity page.
Depending on your organization's internal processes there might be some changes to how Evaluations are processed and shared with individuals.

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