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Using the Network Profile to your benefit
Using the Network Profile to your benefit

Interpreting the Network Profile which is visible to everyone who responds to the ONA survey.

Updated over 10 months ago

Everyone who responds to an Organizational Network Survey in Teamspective will have access to their personal Network Profile.

Below we discuss what the profile is and how you can benefit from it.

What is the Network Profile?

The network profile is an overview of your role and strengths as part of your organization's network. The results on the page are generated based on how other people around you have nominated you in the Organizational Network Survey which includes these 10 statements:

❗️ This profile is not an evaluation of your performance, and nobody scores high on all areas. In fact it's more normal to not have any high scoring results in the chart.

All the results are relational and Teamspective shows which percentile you belong to. A low score does not mean you are bad in that area - you just weren’t top of mind for people in that topic when they were answering the survey. Lastly, Teamspective uses algorithms which weight responders differently based on how many nominations they have received. This creates a purposeful distortion into the ranking which follows power lay distribution more than a linear distribution.

The stellar chart

Stellar chart demonstrates your network strengths, as indicated by other people nominating you in the ONA survey. Each area in the chart is related to a statement in the survey (excluding the collaboration statements). Teamspective calculates a percentile rank for each individual based on the survey responses.

With this chart you are able to get an overview of what your strengths are in the network. If you are missing a score in the chart, it does not mean that you are bad in this area. It just means that you were not nominated by others. This might be for multiple reasons: your colleagues only nominated a few individuals or some of your colleagues did not respond to the survey at all.


  • Does the profile reflect who you are?

  • Are there some surprising findings in the profile?

  • Is there an area which you have already decided to develop in? Is this an existing strength?

Influence and Demand

The influence and demand scores are calculated by Teamspective based on a specific mix of ONA survey statements and algorithms. These scores are relational and indicate the following:

Demand measures the level of the person's inward pressure from others.

  • 📏 Scale: Base level - Moderate - Elevated - High - Exceptional

For example how many people:

  • seek for their advice,

  • help to progress their work,

  • give clarity on goals and priorities etc.

Influence measures the level of the person's outward influence on others.

  • 📏 Scale: Base level - Moderate - Elevated - High - Exceptional

For example how many people

  • depend on them as sources of information,

  • expert advice,

  • energy, or

  • clarity on goals.

Most people will score moderate to low in these indicators due to the data being relational and the algorithms giving different weights depending on how many nominations a nominator themself has. Usually high levels of influence and demand go hand in hand.

❗ Low level of influence, high level of demand: This can be a signal of having an overburdened role in the network. We suggest to reflect on how much your resources are being needed by others and how much ability you personally have to impact the use of these resources or overall managing your own time.

Execution, Leadership and Culture

The Execution, Leadership and Culture categories indicate your overall level with certain types of connections. This is a percentile rank and the categories indicate combined results from multiple statements:


  • Advice - People you go to for advice on completing difficult tasks

  • Excellence - People you admire for consistently doing outstanding work


  • Clarity - People who help clarify your goals and priorities

  • Agility - People who help you to get things done or ensure faster progress

  • Development - People who actively support your development in your role


  • Energy - People who you feel energized by

  • Trust - People who you can be open and honest with

📏 Scale for each area: Base level - Moderate - Elevated - High - Exceptional

Network Tags

Your profile can also include network tags which highlight your role within specific teams if you are in the top percentiles. This gives some further insight and perspective in how you are positioned in the network and what your impact could be in regards to collaboration and connectivity.

Connector - (TEAM NAME):

This tag means that you are an internal connector within this team (or these teams if you have multiple tags).

  • Big amount of connections within the team goes through this individual

  • If a connector would leave this team, it would have a significant impact on the connectivity / collaboration between members of the team.

Leadership / Culture / Execution

This tag means that you are in the top percentiles of the organization for the specific area.

Your survey responses

The table at the bottom of the page includes your own nominations in the most recent survey. It includes who you nominated and to which statements.


  • Should you seek for a certain kind of connection, for example someone who supports your development? Or someone you can trust?

  • Are you relying on only a few specific individuals, or do you have a wider list of collaborative relationships?

  • Do you have strong relationships? Ie people you nominated for multiple statements.

  • How long is the list? Is this a healthy amount of people? Too few? Too many?

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