This article summarizes Teamspective's standard engagement survey questions.
The questions model has been crafted based on scientific research on work psychology and human behaviour, combined with best practices for survey design.
Teamspective periodically analyses tens of thousands survey responses to ensure the surveys yield high quality insights, and the question library is updated based on the findings.
Question model structure
Questions are divided into 3 KPIs: Engagement, Wellbeing and DEIB.
Each KPI is calculated based on themes. For example how employees perceive the quality of Teamwork and Motivation have high influence on their overall Engagement.
Each question may be included in one or more themes, depending where it measures valuable information. For example question Team Effectiveness belongs only to Teamwork theme, while Satisfaction with Feedback influences the scores of Feedback, Leadership and Personal Growth themes.
KPI: Engagement
Theme: Teamwork
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Team effectiveness | My team works together effectively | Yes |
Dependability | Do you trust your colleagues to deliver quality work in schedule? | Yes |
Communication in team | Do you get enough information about the progress and delays in your colleagues' work? | Yes |
Help and support | I get the support I need in my work | Yes | Leadership, Psychological safety |
Strengths utilization | When I collaborate with colleagues at work, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilized | Yes | Psychological safety |
Clarity of Goals | Is it clear what you should focus on and prioritize? | Yes | Motivation, Leadership |
Coordination | Based on my experience, collaboration between teams is fluent | Yes |
Theme: Motivation
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Autonomy | Can you influence your own work and decisions impacting it? | Yes |
Competence | Do you feel confident that you can do your job well? | Yes | Mental wellbeing |
Impact | I can see how my work contributes to the company's purpose | Yes | Company culture & practices |
Clarity of Goals | Is it clear what you should focus on and prioritize? | Yes | Teamwork, Leadership |
Pace of learning | I'm able to learn and improve at the expected pace | Yes | Personal growth |
Personal growth | I get to try new things and stretch my abilities in my job |
| Personal growth |
Effectiveness | I'm able to consistently progress my main objectives at work | Yes |
Accomplishment | Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment for my work | Yes | Personal growth |
Satisfaction with Feedback | Are you satisfied with the quality and amount of feedback you get at work? | Yes | Leadership, Feedback |
Relationships | I have mutually supportive relationships with people at work | Yes |
Acceptance | I feel accepted as part of the working community | Yes | Wellbeing, Perceived equality |
Fitting in | How often do you find it hard to fit in at work? |
| Perceived equality |
Belonging | I feel a sense of belonging at this company |
| Perceived equality |
Theme: Leadership
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Performance issues | Performance issues are addressed appropriately in our company | Yes |
Help and support | I get the support I need in my work | Yes | Teamwork, Psychological safety |
Clarity of Goals | Is it clear what you should focus on and prioritize? | Yes | Motivation, Teamwork |
Satisfaction with Feedback | Are you satisfied with the quality and amount of feedback you get at work? | Yes | Motivation, Feedback |
Feedback to leaders | The leaders I work with want to hear my feedback and suggestions | Yes | Feedback |
Role expectations | It is completely clear what is expected of me in my role | Yes | Feedback |
Recognition frequency | I receive recognition or praise for doing good work on a weekly basis | Yes | Feedback |
Goal setting | We have a high quality process for defining goals and tracking progress | Yes | Company culture & practices |
Tools and resources | I have easy access to the tools and resources I need in my work |
Dealing with problems | I have confidence in our management's ability to identify, prioritize, and solve problems |
Manager attention | My work gets enough attention from my direct manager |
Appreciation | Do you feel appreciated enough at work? |
| Feedback |
Theme: Personal Growth
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Pace of learning | I'm able to learn and improve at the expected pace | Yes | Motivation |
Accomplishment | Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment for my work | Yes | Motivation |
Redirection | I regularly get feedback that helps me grow | Yes | Feedback |
Career opportunities | Are you satisfied with the career opportunities in your job? |
Personal growth | I get to try new things and stretch my abilities in my job |
| Motivation |
Interest in work | I find my work personally interesting |
Theme: Feedback
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Satisfaction with Feedback | Are you satisfied with the quality and amount of feedback you get at work? | Yes | Motivation, Leadership |
Role expectations | It is completely clear what is expected of me in my role | Yes | Leadership |
Redirection | I regularly get feedback that helps me grow | Yes | Personal growth |
Recognition frequency | I receive recognition or praise for doing good work on a weekly basis | Yes | Leadership |
Feedback to leaders | The leaders I work with want to hear my feedback and suggestions | Yes | Leadership |
Giving feedback | I regularly give feedback to my colleagues | Yes |
Appreciation | Do you feel appreciated enough at work? |
| Leadership |
Theme: Psychological Safety
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Mistake tolerance | If you make a mistake in your work, it is often held against you | Yes |
Voicing concerns | Me and my colleagues are able to bring up problems and tough issues | Yes |
Strengths utilization | When I collaborate with colleagues at work, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilized | Yes | Teamwork |
Help and support | I get the support I need in my work | Yes | Teamwork, Leadership |
Accepting differences | In our company, all people are accepted for who they are despite their differences | Yes | Equality practices |
Rejecting differences | My colleagues sometimes reject others for being different |
| Equality practices |
Risk tolerance | It is safe to take a risk in my work |
Social undermining | No colleague would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts |
Barrier to help | It is difficult to ask for help from my colleagues |
Psychological Safety | Do you ever hesitate to disagree or to voice your concerns at work? |
Theme: Company culture & practices
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Fairness | Do you think people are being treated fairly and equally at work? | Yes |
Impact | I can see how my work contributes to the company's purpose | Yes | Motivation |
Goal setting | We have a high quality process for defining goals and tracking progress | Yes | Leadership |
Company ambition | Our company has a high standard for performance and quality of work |
Understanding mission | Our company's mission is clear to me |
Meaningful mission | I find the company mission personally meaningful | Yes |
Confidence in future | I have great confidence in our company's future |
Understanding strategy | I understand how our company's strategy makes us competitive in the market |
Values | People working for this company understand and follow the company values |
Rewarding | I get a fair compensation (pay, benefits) for my contributions at this company |
Agility | Our company's processes allow enough flexibility when needed |
Processes | Our company has sufficient processes that clarify how things should be done |
Support for wellbeing | Employee wellbeing is a clear priority in our company |
Career progression | I believe my next career step is taken within this company |
Theme: eNPS
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
eNPS | On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend your organisation as a good place to work? | Yes |
KPI: Wellbeing
Theme: Mental wellbeing
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Wellbeing | How are you feeling at work? | Yes |
Stress | Any stress in my role is manageable | Yes |
Sick leave | I'm able to take time off when I'm sick or unwell | Yes | Physical health & safety |
Sense of control | I have a strong sense of control of my work | Yes |
Acceptance | I feel accepted as part of the working community | Yes | Motivation, Perceived equality |
Recovery | On most days, I feel recovered when starting to work | Yes | Physical health & safety |
Reasonable workload | Most weeks my workload is reasonable | Yes |
Competence | Do you feel confident that you can do your job well? | Yes | Motivation |
Remote policies | Our remote working policies support my productivity and wellbeing |
Theme: Physical health & safety
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Recovery | On most days, I feel recovered when starting to work | Yes | Mental wellbeing |
Safety | Our company has high enough standards for employee safety at work | Yes |
Sick leave | I'm able to take time off when I'm sick or unwell | Yes | Wellbeing |
Equipment | I have access to equipment that meets my standards and makes my job safe |
KPI: DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging)
Theme: Perceived equality
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Acceptance | I feel accepted as part of the working community | Yes | Motivation, Wellbeing |
Fitting in | How often do you find it hard to fit in at work? |
| Motivation |
Belonging | I feel a sense of belonging at this company |
| Motivation |
Theme: Equality practices
Question name | Question | Included by default | Included in other KPIs/Themes |
Non-discrimination | Leaders in our company react to cases of discrimination appropriately | Yes |
Accepting differences | In our company, all people are accepted for who they are despite their differences | Yes | Psychological safety |
Diversity | Our company is successfully creating a diverse workforce |
Equal opportunity | In our company, people are given equal opportunities to succeed and advance in their career |
Rejecting differences | My colleagues sometimes reject others for being different |
| Psychological safety |