All Teamspective workspaces have access to benchmark results. Those benchmarks are based on other Teamspective customers who use the exactly same questions. Benchmarks are especially useful for understanding what is a good result on each question or theme.
Often executive teams, company boards or HR team setting company goals prefer to have even more accurate benchmarks, to adjust for their organization size, industry or overall ambition level.
ℹ️ Do you want access to relevant benchmarks?
Contact us via support chat or [email protected].
For this purpose, you can get access to these benchmark categories:
1) Global benchmarks
Available in-tool for all Teamspective customers
2) Company size categories
Below 50 / 50-150 / 150-500 / 500+ employees
3) Industries
Software / IT / Services / Manufacturing
4) Regions
Finland / West Europe / Custom
More categories are added over time as our data set expands.